Fulltime job as logistical employee at Decathlon in Tilburg

Ar you looking for a job? Do you want to work in logistics? Then this might just be the job for you.

24 - 40 uur per week
€13,40 per uur

What are you going to do:

Decathlon, the international sports shop for everyone. Whether you like skating, tennis or basketball, you can find everything at this beautiful organization. The beautiful DC in Tilburg was completed in 2020 and from there they are making sure that every athlete can experience their beautiful moments!

What are you going to do?

There are a lot of different departments in the Decathlon warehouse in Tilburg. The main differences between these departments are that some departments involve more teamwork and some departments involve individual work. Furthermore, some departments are more physically challenging than others. 

What are the working days and times?

There are two different shifts in which you can run. The morning shift (7:30-15:30) and an evening shift. (15:30-23:30) In the high season there are also night shifts, I can tell you more about this during the application procedure. The DC in Tilburg is open 7 days a week. There's work to be done!

What will you earn?

The wage you will receive when you start at Decathlon is €13,40 gross per hour.

What we offer:

  • A starting salary of € 13.40 gross per hour;
  • Flexible working hours and days, suitable for everyone;
  • Being part of a beautiful international organization with sufficient opportunities to grow within Decathlon;
  • A weekly or 4-weekly payment, you can choose this yourself.

What we ask:

  • No minimum education required
  • You are physically fit to lift heavy. (this concerns two of the three departments);
  • You are excited to start at Decathlon!
  • You have to be 18+.


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!

Extra information

Education Level
Middelbare school, MBO, HBO
Working hours per week
24 - 40
Type of Contract
Parttime (overdag), Avondwerk, Tijdelijke fulltime baan
Salary indication
€13,40 per uur
Responsible for
Verzamelen en inpakken van orders
Published at

Tilburg | Logistieke vacatures | Vacatures logistiek medewerker | Vacatures magazijnmedewerker | Parttime (overdag) | Avondwerk | Tijdelijke fulltime baan | Middelbare school | MBO | HBO

Apply directly
Garrick Naarden


Garrick Naarden, bereikbaar op tel. 0657687709

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